God strengthens us Sunday by Sunday with His Word and the Means of Grace, including the Preaching of His Word, Holy Communion, and the Fellowship of Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
The beginning of the Epiphany Season is crowded with rich Scripture. Last Sunday we focused on the Wise Men (Matthew 2:1-12). This week we begin with Jesus' own Baptism in the River Jordan, but the Gospel lesson takes us to Jesus and new and superior wine at a Wedding in Cana in Galilee. The sermon will take up "Jesus! Who Knew how New?"
Fellowship will follow the Service as usual, and at 10:30 weâll continue our study of Isaiah in Bible Study.
May God make it possible for you to join us in person or on Zoom at 9am this Sunday for hearing God's Word and offering prayer, praise, and thanksgiving to God.
If you cannot be among God's people in person this Sunday, you can join us by Zoom.
To join Zoom by computer, go to our home page. On the home page, to the right of the photo slideshow, click on âSunday Worshipâ and you will be taken directly to the Zoom link.
Here is the link for the Service Folder. The link also takes you to the Bible Study study guide.
After the Service, at 10:30 am, the regular Sunday Zoom link will reopen so people can participate remotely in our Bible Study of the Book of Isaiah.
The Zoom recording of the Service will also be posted under this âWorshipâ tab later in the day. The Bible Study will not be recorded.