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January16, 2022 The 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany

God strengthens us Sunday by Sunday with His Word and the Means of Grace, including the Preaching of His Word, Holy Communion, and the Fellowship of Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

The beginning of the Epiphany Season is crowded with rich Scripture. Last Sunday we focused on the Wise Men (Matthew 2:1-12). This week we begin with Jesus' own Baptism in the River Jordan, but the Gospel lesson takes us to Jesus and new and superior wine at a Wedding in Cana in Galilee. The sermon will take up "Jesus! Who Knew how New?"

Fellowship will follow the Service as usual, and at 10:30 we’ll continue our study of Isaiah in Bible Study.

May God make it possible for you to join us in person or on Zoom at 9am this Sunday for hearing God's Word and offering prayer, praise, and thanksgiving to God.

If you cannot be among God's people in person this Sunday, you can join us by Zoom.

To join Zoom by computer, go to our home page. On the home page, to the right of the photo slideshow, click on “Sunday Worship” and you will be taken directly to the Zoom link.

Here is the link for the Service Folder. The link also takes you to the Bible Study study guide.

After the Service, at 10:30 am, the regular Sunday Zoom link will reopen so people can participate remotely in our Bible Study of the Book of Isaiah.

The Zoom recording of the Service will also be posted under this “Worship” tab later in the day. The Bible Study will not be recorded.

January 9, 2022 The 1st Sunday after the Epiphany

Blessed Epiphany! Now that the Church’s Epiphany Season has begun (6 January), we thank God that His salvation in Jesus has been freely revealed also to non-Jewish people.

January 6th begins the Season of Epiphany, and we use that day for remembering the visit of the Magi/Wise Men to Jesus. Some Christians call January 6th “Old Christmas,” and Eastern Christians tend to celebrate Christmas on that day.

God strengthens us Sunday by Sunday with His Word and the Means of Grace, including the Preaching of His Word and the Fellowship of Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

We will celebrate the Wise Men and Epiphany at our regular Worship on 9 January. The Gospel is Matthew’s telling of the visit of the Wise Men to the infant Jesus (Matthew 2:1-12). We will probe how God’s Word shows the difference between being “clever” and being “wise.”

Fellowship will follow the Service as usual, and at 10:30 we’ll resume our study of Isaiah in Bible Study.

May God make it possible for you to join us in person or on Zoom at 9am this Sunday for hearing God's Word and offering prayer, praise, and thanksgiving to God.

If you cannot be among God's people in person this Sunday, you can join us by Zoom.

To join Zoom by computer, go to our home page. On the home page, to the right of the photo slideshow, click on “Sunday Worship” and you will be taken directly to the Zoom link.

Here is the link for the Service Folder. The link also takes you to an explanation of the word "Epiphany."

After the Service, at 10:30 am, the regular Sunday Zoom link will reopen so people can participate remotely in our Bible Study of the Book of Isaiah. The Sunday Bible Study Guide is posted with the Service Folder and can be accessed the same way you access the Service Folder. Here is the link for the Study Guide. 

The Zoom recording of the Service will also be posted under this “Worship” tab later in the day. The Bible Study will not be recorded.

January 2, 2022 The 9th Day of Christmas

Sunday, 2 January, is the 9th Day of Christmas. We need at least the Twelve Days of Christmas to celebrate and give thanks for the Child Born for Us.

The Church’s Year and the world’s calendar year coincide on 25 December for Christmas Day and 1 January for the Naming of Jesus. St. Luke explains how the Naming takes place on the 8th Day of Christmas: “And at the end of eight days, when he was circumcised, he was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb” (2:21). Give thanks that our Savior takes the Name Jesus, “for he will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21).

In regular Worship Sunday, 2 January, the 9th Day of Christmas, we will focus on the significance of Jesus’ Name and our own Baptismal naming.

Fellowship will follow the Service as usual, and we’ll together decide whether to resume our study of Isaiah in Bible Study this Sunday or next Sunday on the 9th of January.

May God make it possible for you to join us in person or on Zoom at 9am this Sunday for hearing God's Word and offering prayer, praise, and thanksgiving to God.

If you cannot be among God's people in person this Sunday, you can join us by Zoom.

To join Zoom by computer, go to our home page. On the home page, to the right of the photo slideshow, click on “Sunday Worship” and you will be taken directly to the Zoom link.

Here is the link for the Service Folder. The recording of the Service will be posted here after the Service.

December 26, 2021 The 2nd Day of Christmas

Sunday, 26 December, is the 2nd Day of Christmas. We need at least the Twelve Days of Christmas to celebrate and give thanks for the Child Born for Us.

This Sunday our Lessons invite us to ponder similarities and differences between being God’s faithful person in the days before Jesus’s birth and being God’s faithful Baptized child in the days after Jesus’s birth. Hebrews 1:1 points to the difference:

In many and various ways, God spoke to His people of old by the prophets. But now in these last days, He has spoken to us by His Son.

Fellowship will follow the Service as usual, but in this Holiday time we agreed not to have Bible Study this Sunday. We’ll resume our study of Isaiah on either the 2nd or the 9th of January.

Here is the link to the Service Folder. After the Service, the recording will be posted under this link as well.

No service on next Friday, New Year’s Eve nor on Saturday, New Year’s Day. We can each pray for a blessed New Calendar Year, based on what God has already shown us in the New Church Year that began on 28 November.

We will continue to celebrate Christmas on the 9th Day of Christmas, 2 January, 2022, at our regular 9am Worship with Holy Communion.

December 24, 2021 Christmas Eve

Advent is almost over. We’ve prepared on the four Sundays in Advent and on three Wednesdays. Tonight, Wednesday we will not have an Advent Service. Instead, we look forward to Friday night, Christmas Eve. We will have a traditional Candlelight Service of Lessons and Carols at 6pm.

Our theme for Christmas Eve comes from a thought-provoking comment by Martin Luther: “There is such richness and goodness in Jesus’ nativity that, if we should see and deeply understand, we should be dissolved in perpetual joy.”

Sometimes faithful Christians are tempted to be “elder brothers” as Jesus warned in Luke 15:29-32. We criticize what some call “Christmas & Easter Christians.” But, aren’t we all Christmas and Easter Christians?! We rejoice in the birth of Jesus and we live by His death and resurrection. If we come to worship more regularly than some others, it should only be because we delight to hear again and again of Jesus our Savior.

If you cannot be among God's people in person Christmas Eve, you can join us by Zoom.

To join Zoom by computer: On this website's Home page, to the right of the photo slideshow, click on “Sunday Worship” and you will be taken directly to the Zoom link. “Sunday Worship” will also work for the Christmas Eve Service.

To join Zoom by phone, call (720) 707-2699. When prompted, enter this number: 581 701 506 ## (including the two pound signs at the end).

Here is the link to the Service Folder for Christmas Eve.  The recording of the Service is posted under this link as well.

December 19, 2021 The 4th Sunday in Advent

19 December is the Fourth and Final Sunday in Advent. Advent looks forward to Christ’s coming to us. During Advent we prepare to celebrate Christ’s coming to us in Bethlehem at Christmas time and also His presence with us today and His promised coming to take us to our eternal home.

The Old Testament Lesson highlights Bethlehem, the birthplace of our Savior. The Holy Gospel tells of Mary and her kinswoman Elizabeth marveling over the gift of our Savior and praising God in the words of the Magnificat. Pr Paul Graff will preach and lead us in worship this Sunday.

Fellowship and Bible Study will follow the Service.

Here is the link to the Service Folder. After the Service the link will also provide our recorded Service. 

December 12, 2021 The 3rd Sunday in Advent

We have prisoners for Christ in both the Epistle Lesson and the Holy Gospel this Sunday. St Paul is writing to the Philippians from prison, and John the Baptizer is asking questions from prison about Jesus. And yet, the theme for the Sunday is "Rejoice!" St Paul rejoices to be connected to the Philippian Christians through Christ. Pr Bachman's sermon this Sunday will follow up on St Paul's advice to "Rejoice Reasonably, the Lord is at Hand."

Join us in person or on Zoom at 9am Sunday for hearing God's Word and offering prayer, praise, and thanksgiving to God. We will also receive Holy Communion. The Sunday Zoom link is on the Home Page to the right of the slide pictures.

Fellowship and Bible Study of Isaiah's Servant Poems will follow the Service.

Here is the link to the Service Folder. After the Service the link will also provide our recorded Service. 
